Assalam o allaikum Wr. Wb
Allah SWT says in the quran :
لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ
So in the eyes of Allah SWT, all human beings are equal as the best of the creation of Allah SWT. But when we ask a question as to what is the difference between a muslim and other fellow human beings, the only answer is that Muslims have Iman ( faith) and what is this faith that a muslim have? The answer to this question is very briefly explained in the Iman al Mufassil below:
Amantu Billahi Wa malaikatihi Wa Kutubihi Wa Rusulihi Wal Yaumil Akhir Wal Qadri Khairihi Wa Sharrihi Minallahi Ta'ala Wal Baathi Ba'ad al Maut.
The only thing that makes a difference between a Muslim and a non-muslim is the presence of this Imaan in the heart of a muslim.
This iman increases and decreases based on what environment (physical or spiritual) we provide to the heart. If we engage ourselves in the remembrance of Allah SWT, and our conscience is in accordance with the message of deen, then our iman will increase. On the other hand if our environment keeps us away from Allah SWT, slowly our heart will corrode and our iman will decrease. Allah SWT says in the Quran:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ (3:102
102. O you who believe! Fear Allâh as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islâm (as Muslims) with complete submission to Allâh.
وَلاَ تُفْسِدُواْ فِي الأَرْضِ بَعْدَ إِصْلاَحِهَا وَادْعُوهُ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا إِنَّ رَحْمَتَ اللّهِ قَرِيبٌ مِّنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ (7:56)
And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; Surely, Allâh's Mercy is (ever) near unto the gooddoers. (Araaf – 51)
Two Wings of a Bird
Allah is Most Merciful and Forgiving, and He is glad whenever one of His servants repents sincerely so that He can wash away his sins. Keeping Allah’s Mercy foremost in mind helps man to be hopeful, and this in turn increases the desire to act righteously. However, what is equally important to keep within context is fear. Hope and fear are like the wings of a bird, and a believer has to keep them balanced.
The mashaikh (spiritual masters and teachers) have written as to the time when a believer should be overcome by each of these conditions of fear and hope. They have written that a person should be fearful in his youth, because this is the time of adolescence and the most vulnerable time to fall into wrong. Thus a person should fear Allah so to be saved from sin.
On the contrary, a person should turn hopeful of Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness when elderly because death is looming near. The person should turn to repentance and hence be desirous of Allah’s forgiveness.
Fear prevents a person from sin, and today hearts are rusting because of the intensity of sins that we have committed. This is not to say that people are not doing good deeds, because they are. However, good deeds and sins are taking place side by side, which is counterproductive. A good deed is offering prayer in the masjid. However, when walking home our eyes are wandering and looking at forbidden things, and therefore we waste the good effects that being in the masjid had on our hearts.
Degrees of Fear
A young man came to a shaykh and said, “I am a young man with strong desires. I cannot help looking at people when I am in the bazaar. What do I do?” The shaykh handed him a cup of milk that was full to the brim, and told him to deliver it to an address that would take the young man directly through the bazaar. He then instructed the young man that the milk should not spill, and the man said that it would not. The shaykh then summoned one of his students and told him to accompany the man through the bazaar to the destination, and to severely beat him if any milk were to spill.
A man came to Hadrat Hasan Basri i and said, “Hadrat, I do not know what is the matter with us. It seems that our hearts are asleep.” Hadrat Hasan Basri i asked what was the matter. The man replied, “Our hearts are not affected when you recite the Holy Quran and Hadith to us.” Hadrat Hasan Basri i said to him, “If reading of the Holy Quran and Hadith do not affect your hearts, do not say that your hearts are asleep. Instead say that your hearts are dead. Even a sleeping person awakes when shaken awake. If someone sleeping does not awaken when shaken, he is not asleep but dead.” When advice and guidance do not affect the heart, it is an indication that the heart has died.
Hadrat Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal i was a rock of faith and courage. He endured so much hardship and sacrificed so much for Islam that it is said that an elephant could not have taken the burdens. At the time of his death all his students were gathered around his bedside and reciting the Kalimah to prompt their mentor to recite it as well. However, Hadrat Ahmed bin Hanbal i would only recite “La” at certain intervals. The students were all surprised and when their teacher seemed to recover a little they asked him what was happening. Hadrat Ahmed bin Hanbal i said, “Shaytan was in front of me saying, ‘Ahmed bin Hanbal, you have escaped with your faith intact,’ and I was saying, ‘La, I am not safe from you until my life passes from this world.’”
Hadrat Umar was a courageous Companion about whom The Messenger a of Allah said, “If there was to be another prophet after me, it would be Umar.” The Messenger a of Allah also said regarding Hadrat Umar that his good deeds were comparable to the stars. It is further written in Hadith regarding this great Companion that Shaytan used to leave the path on which Hadrat Umar walked. Such an honorable and esteemed person used to cry so much in fear of Allah that his face was marked by the trails of tears just as a stream’s path is carved on a mountainside.
Hadrat Uthman then asked, “Can I arrange a stipend for your daughters?” Hadrat Ibn Masood shook his head, “No, Allah is Master. They recite Surah Waqia everyday, and the Messenger of Allah said that He will protect the reciter of Surah Waqia from starvation and poverty.” Such was the strength of faith of these people that they would remain steadfast on whatever the Messenger of Allah said, and were fearful despite this.
May Allah SWT give us the ability to practice upon what has been said and to make our hearts obedient to the will of Allah SWT so that when we pass away from this duniya, we have two important tools in our hand, The hope from the Mercy of Allah SWT and the Fear of our sins.